Bodie and Mono Lake
Explore the best of Bodie  on Thursday through Sunday, Sep 29 - Oct 2, 2022.  Photograph the Milky Way over the Bodie buildings and photograph the Bodie building interiors. Thursday night is a practice Milky Way session from the back deck of my Mono Lake house. On Friday night we have this Wild West ghost town to ourselves 6 pm to 1 am, reveling in alpine sunsets and then the amazing star photography found in this high altitude (8,300 feet) town far away from city lights. Saturday we explore the area around Mono Lake and have dinner at my Mono Lake house where I'll demonstrate how I process my Milky Way images. Then we’re up very early Sunday morning and back to Bodie to photograph the sunrise and then the dusty, artifact-cluttered interiors of some of the best buildings until noon. 
I do this workshop with Betty Sederquist. Click on the link below to sign up.  Some of my photos from the back deck of the Mono Lake house and previous Bodie workshops are below.
September 29-October 2, 2022 $1100
Milky Way from the Back Deck of the Mono Lake House
Milky Way from the Back Deck of the Mono Lake House
Bodie Schoolhouse
Bodie Schoolhouse
Bodie IOOF
Bodie IOOF
Bodie Hotel
Bodie Hotel
Bodie Apothecary Bottles
Bodie Apothecary Bottles
Bodie Glasses and Catalog
Bodie Glasses and Catalog
IOOF and Wagon
IOOF and Wagon
Bodie Arch
Bodie Arch
That Old Car
That Old Car
Lottie Johl House
Lottie Johl House
Boone Store
Boone Store
Mono Lake Sunrise - Black Point
Mono Lake Sunrise - Black Point
Mono Lake Sunrise
Mono Lake Sunrise
Bodie from the Hill
Bodie from the Hill
Bodie Bottles
Bodie Bottles
Pool Table
Pool Table
George Washington Room
George Washington Room
Bodie Stable
Bodie Stable
Assayers' Room
Assayers' Room
Hourly Photography Lessons

I own Placerville Art Gallery at 352 Main St in Placerville, CA, where I sell my photographs and a wide variety of other art. I am almost always there every Fri-Sat-Sun from 10-6 and am available for hourly one-on-one help with your photography, whether it is camera operation/settings, photography techniques, or learning Photoshop. Come and learn the photography techniques I use. Bring some of your images and I'll teach you how to edit them in Photoshop CC. I currently shoot with a Canon 5D Mk 4 and have a wide variety of lens. Individual photography lessons are $50/hr. Contact me through my website if interested.
Half Day Local Photography Field Workshops

I periodically offer local half day field photography workshops. I'm constantly out photographing the El Dorado County local scenery (mountains, waterfalls, wildflowers, etc) and wildlife. When I find something special and the timing is right I sometimes offer a half day workshop. The timing is often critical for these events so there is usually just a few days notice. For example, I've done my Moonrise Over Pyramid Peak panorama workshop several times, but only announce the workshop 2-3 days before the event when the weather prediction looks promising. Contact me through my website if interested in these workshops and I'll put you on my email notification list. Cost is $100 and I limit the workshop to 4 participants. 

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